Version 0.1, January 2015

  • Idea: Roberto Casati
  • Design: Roberto Casati, Glen Lomax
  • Code: Glen Lomax


Casati, R., 2013, Dov’e il Sole di notte? Lezioni atipiche di astronomia. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.

Astrini’s first version was designed during an internship at the CogMaster (ENS-EHESS-Paris5). The current version is distributed freely under the GPL. Roberto Casati and Glen Lomax are the original developers.


Even small donations keep volunteer work afloat!

Linked projects

You should also check-out our other projects on cognitive astronomy. Don’t miss the Chronogeoscope, an educational tool to explain the link between time and place on a clock.


Astrini is coded in the Python language.

The 3D python engine supporting astrini is Panda3D, very nice for prototyping.